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About Us

President's Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Together with my terrific council members and colleagues of the Hong Kong Association of the Study of Liver Diseases (HKASLD), I would like to give you a very warm welcome to our website. Founded in 1987, the principal objective of HKASLD is to promote the education and advancement in the study of the liver. As the first lady President of HKASLD since establishment, this is definitely a very proud moment for me and the whole society, which is formed by a group of healthcare practitioners and scientists who are passionate about liver diseases.

Now is undoubtedly the prime time of working in the field of liver diseases. We have witnessed the cure of chronic hepatitis C with highly effective direct acting antivirals over the last decade. Much efforts have been devoted to the novel therapeutics for chronic hepatitis B and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease. We are expecting these new treatments to be available very soon. To keep yourself updated, you are most welcome to join HKASLD, as we provide education via our regular bi-monthly scientific meetings, scientific educational symposiums co-organised with various professional societies, and our annual scientific meeting with cutting-edged lectures delivered by world-renowned leaders in the field. The most updated knowledge would help us navigate through new and increasingly complex landscapes in managing patients with liver diseases. We would encourage medical practitioners or scientists who are interested in liver diseases to join us. Membership application form is available in the membership section. We look forward to seeing you soon in our upcoming events!

Prof. Grace Wong


  1. To promote the advancement of the study of the liver.

  2. To co-ordinate and correlate the efforts of organizations, companies, associations, societies, institutions, statutory bodies and other authorities and individuals interested in the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver with a view to reducing morbidity and mortality therefrom in Hong Kong.

  3. To promote, foster, develop and assist medical and allied professions in the study of and acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge and information concerning the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver.

  4. In furtherance of the objects of the Association to encourage, stimulate and aid research in liver problems and investigation into the causes and treatment of diseases of the liver and to disseminate the research findings to the public.

  5. To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver and their related problems and to assist in keeping the medical profession in Hong Kong up to date in the latest developments in the field of medical and scientific research and methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver.

  6. To encourage, assist and arrange for medical practitioners, scientists, students and others to come to Hong Kong for the purposes of research and study and for the purposes of teaching and demonstrating therapy and practice relating to the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver and to disseminate the research findings to the public.

  7. To encourage, assist and arrange for the medical practitioners, scientists, students and others to travel abroad and engage in research study and training and to gain experience in modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver and to disseminate the research findings to the public.

  8. To encourage, arrange for and assist students, medical practitioners, scientists and others from Hong Kong and from abroad to undertake research in the basic sciences, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver and to acquire training in methods of research in fields of liver problems and to disseminate the research findings to the public.

  9. To co-operate with other bodies and organizations both within Hong Kong and overseas having objects in whole or in part similar to the objects of the Association.

  10. To establish, subsidise, promote, co-operate with, receive into union or affiliation, subscribe and donate to or become a member of, control, manage, superintend or give monetary assistance to or otherwise aid associations, institutions and organizations incorporated or not incorporated and whether within Hong Kong or elsewhere with objects substantially similar to these objects provided that the Association will not support with its funds any object, or endeavour to impose on or procure to be observed by its members or others, any regulation, restriction or condition which if an object of the Association would make it a Trade Union provided further that the associations, institutions and organizations shall prohibit the distribution of their income and property among their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 4 thereof.

  11. To encourage, arrange, form, promote, establish and support non-profit making special dispensary facilities, infirmaries, clinics and institutions for the care, treatment and convalescence of persons suffering from diseases of the liver.

  12. For the purpose of furthering the objects of the Association to raise money by all lawful means and to solicit, receive and enlist financial and other aid from individuals, trusts, companies, corporations, associations, societies, institutions and other organizations or authorities and from Governments, Departments of State and public bodies and to conduct fund-raising campaigns.

  13. To promote, obtain and achieve any of the objects of the Association by or through the facilities available in any public or private hospital, established university, recognised medical, scientific or research institute, council, faculty, school or like institution and to make outright donations of money, apparatus and equipment and give subsidies to the same provided that the recipients shall prohibit the distribution of their income and property among their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 4 thereof.

  14. To arrange or provide monetary assistance for and establish scholarships, make donations and offer prizes or other awards or distinctions to students, medical practitioners, scientists and other persons for the purposes of research and study or for the purposes of teaching and demonstrating their professional skill in and knowledge of methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver.

  15. In furtherance of these objects of the Association to make such grants to or in aid of or to make donations or give assistance to or to make contracts with such individuals, trusts, corporations, association, societies, institutions or other organizations or authorities whether within or outside Hong Kong.

  16. On a non-profit making basis, to undertake all such measures for the care, aid, protection, education and rehabilitation of persons suffering from diseases of the liver as the Council from time to time may determine.

  17. To make known and further the objects and activities of the Association by the publication and distribution of non-profit making papers, journals and other publications and by advertising in any medium or by any means.

  18. In furtherance of the objects of the Association as far as the law will permit and subject to the provisions of any relevant statute, rule, regulation or by-law and/or any licence issued in pursuance thereof to collect funds and to solicit, receive, enlist and accept financial and other aid, subscriptions, donations and bequests from individual, trusts and other organizations or authorities, and from Governments and public bodies.

  19. In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other negotiable or transferable instruments.

  20. In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to build, establish, maintain, manage or operate non-profit making hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, laboratories, research units and hostel

  21. To borrow or raise or give security for any moneys required for the objects of the Association upon such securities as may be determined and in such manner as the Association shall think fit and in particular by the issue of or upon bonds, debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the Association or by mortgage or charge upon all or any part of the property of the Association both present and future.

  22. To invest the moneys of the Association not immediately required for its objects in or upon such investments, securities our property in a reasonable and prudent manner.

  23. In furtherance of the objects of the Association :

    • i. To arrange, engage in and carry on general or particular research work upon such lines as the Council may from time to time determine and to disseminate the research findings to the public and to acquire, erect, equip, maintain and conduct such non-profit making laboratories and other facilities as may be deemed desirable.

    • ii. Subject to Clause 4 hereof, to employ and engage clerks, servants and persons whose service may be deemed necessary or desirable for the objects of the Association.

    • iii. To purchase, take on leave, or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property, and any rights or privileges which the Association may think necessary or convenient for the objects of the Association.

    • iv. To manage, maintain, improve, and develop all or any part of the property, land, building or buildings of Association and to operate or use in conjunction or co-ownership with others, lease, mortgage, underlet, exchange, surrender, sell, turn to account or otherwise deal with and dispose of the same or any part or parts thereof or interest therein, for such consideration and on such terms and conditions as the Association may think fit.

  24. To promote, establish, superintend, conduct, control and assist within Hong Kong branches, committees and other forms of organization and administration for the objects of the Association.

  25. To assist in any way deemed desirable by the Council any other body or organization in connection with the conduct of any research or similar work which the Council consider to be conducive to the attainment of any objects of the Association and to disseminate the research findings to the public.

  26. To undertake and execute any trusts the undertaking whereof the Council may determine necessary or desirable for the carrying out of any of the objects of the Association and to accept any gift, endowment, bequest for devise made to the Association generally or for the purpose of any specific object and to carry out any trusts attached to any gift, endowment, bequest or devise providing that the Association shall only deal with any property which is subject to any trusts in which manner as is allowed by law having regard to such trusts.

  27. To take all necessary or proper steps with the authorities, national, local municipal or otherwise, of any place in which the Association may have interests, and to carry on any negotiations or operations for the promoting of the objects of the Association or effecting any modifications in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Association, and to oppose any steps taken by any other company, firm, person or body which may be considered likely to prejudice the objects of the Association.

  28. In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to collect and disseminate information regarding members of the Association and information of any event or happening.

  29. In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to organize and hold non-profit making lectures, discussions, debates and other meetings and to arrange concerts, exhibitions, play and cinema show for the purpose of fund-raising.

  30. To open and operate any banking account or accounts with any bank or banks for the objects of the Association, and for such purposes to make, give, accept, endorse, transfer, discount and negotiate bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques or other similar instruments.

  31. From time to time to make, rescind, add to or amend such by-laws or regulations not inconsistent with any ordinance or with the memorandum and articles of association of the Association for the time being in force for the regulation or control of any of the property or affairs of the Association as deemed necessary or desirable by the Council.

  32. To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. Provided that :

    • i. in case the Association shall take or hold any property which may be subject to any trusts, the Association shall only deal with or invest the same in such manner as allowed by law, having regard to such trusts;

    • ii. the objects of the Association shall not extend to the regulation of relations between workers and employers or organisations of workers and organisations of employers; and

    • iii. the powers set forth in the Seventh Schedule of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) of the Laws of Hong Kong are hereby excluded.

Council Members


Prof Grace Lai-Hung Wong


Dr Rashid Nok-Shun Lui


Dr Loey Lung-Yi Mak


Dr Michael Kwan-Lung Ko 


Dr Chun-Wing Chan
Dr Kam-Hon Chan
Prof Henry Lik-Yuen Chan
Dr Kam-Ngai Kung
Prof Ching-Lung Lai

Dr Jimmy Che-To Lai
Dr Thomas Sik-To Lai
Dr Wai-Cheung Lao
Dr Francis Tat-Wing Li
Dr Michael Kin-Kong Li

Dr Henry Hin-Wai Liu
Dr Ching-Kong Loo
Prof Wai-Kay Seto
Dr Terry Cheuk-Fung Yip
Prof Man-Fung Yuen


Dr Kevin Chi-Wing Chow


Dr James Yan-Yue Fung


Dr James Yan-Yue Fung (2021-2023)

Dr Yee-Tak Hui (2019-2021)
Dr Ching-Kong Loo (2017-2019)
Prof Vincent Wai-Sun Wong (2015-2017)
Dr Steven Woon-Choy Tsang (2013-2015)
Dr Tai-Nin Chau (2011-2013)
Prof Man-Fung Yuen (2009-2011)
Prof Henry Lik-Yuen Chan (2007-2009)
Prof Henry Lik-Yuen Chan (2005-2007)
Dr Jak-Yiu Lai (2003-2005)
Dr HY Lo (2001-2003)
Dr HY Lo (1999-2001)
Dr Sik-To Lai (1997-1999)
Dr Sik-To Lai (1995-1997)
Prof Ching-Lung Lai (1993-1995)
Prof Ching-Lung Lai (1991-1993)
Prof Ching-Lung Lai (1989-1991)
Dr EK Yeoh (19878-1989)

© 2023  by  The Hong Kong Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (Dr. James Fung).  Designed by Dennis Cheung @

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